🧹General Clean Up-Drive🧹

                                    🧹General Clean Up-Drive🧹

  This day was the best day for me because we clean the mini hotel.All the level were assigned to their area's.While the grade 7 students were assigned at the mini hotel. Lian was sweeping the floor. The Friday cleaners was assigned to sweep and mop the first floor.Her members was using the cobweb for the  webs in the walls and under the stairs.We were glad to help the maintenance to clean the mini hotel.
The Monday cleaners was assigned to wipe the sliding windows. While the members was sweeping the floor and moping through out the door.Some are just helping even though they are not assigned to this area,we are still happy because even though they are not assigned to this area they are still willing to help.After cleaning the mini hotel we went to the classroom and start cleaning.Because every section and level is a must to clean their classroom.So we went down to clean our classroom.

Now we are in our classroom,we already start sweeping the floor.Our other classmates were wiping the window because it's really dusty,and some our classmates were wiping the white board.Some students were not cleaning because they are talking to their Best friends and classmates outside.We were having fun cleaning this because this was the day we've been waiting for, Cleaning and having fun in your classrooms.We are really having fun this whole day.

Shadea was moping and Rica was brushing the dirty wall.While Geean and Quennie is brushing the floor.While they are starting cleaning,We start some "kalog" Idea.There's a one student gets a 1 bucket of water with Surf Powder in it and pour it in the floor while they are busy pouring some students were sliding with their feets, Starting putting their body into the floor to swim/slide.That is the reason why we are having fun in this day.This day was the best day,Not just beacuse we are having fun,This day was the best because we clean our classroom in a fun way and help the Maintenance and staffs at the school campus.After the happening we were getting dry and change clothes.After those things the program was starting the Literacy month awarding and Speech choir awarding and TV Brodcast presentation and awarding.


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