April is celebrated at Asian College of Technology as Intramural Sports Month. We must compete in preliminary games prior to the main event to ensure a smooth competition. The initial event began on March 24, 2023. Basketball for girls and boys, Blue vs. Green, and volleyball for girls and boys, Gold vs. Red, were the games played on the 24th. The game was a lot of fun, and everyone played with great concentration. They genuinely want to success. However, the gold squad won the volleyball match, while the green team won the basketball game. But of the outcome, we still had the chance to play and give it our all.

    Because you have to rush to receive the ball and defend, playing basketball was both incredibly enjoyable and physically demanding. I had a lot of fun playing basketball since I've always wanted to learn the game and play in a genuine competition, so when it finally happened, I was shocked that it actually took place and realized that this was a true competition because everyone was so intent on winning. I am excited every time I hear that it is time for the girls to play basketball, and it has since become my favorite sport.

    Because everyone was so intently focused and didn't want to disrupt the game, volleyball was played with such intensity and a heavy energy. You must pay attention to the game or the direction the ball is traveling. My teammates were there to encourage me and reassure me that it was okay if we lost as long as we gave it our best effort when I was playing volleyball since I was feeling so tight and under pressure. I didn't know what to do and was overthinking that I might be the reason we lost.

    Because everyone was so intently focused and didn't want to disrupt the game, volleyball was played with such intensity and a heavy energy. You must pay attention to the game or the direction the ball is traveling. My teammates were there to encourage me and reassure me that it was okay if we lost as long as we gave it our best effort when I was playing volleyball since I was feeling so tight and under pressure. I didn't know what to do and was overthinking that I might be the reason we lost.

    Due to the fact that I was stress- and pressure-free while playing badminton, it was so much fun. I tried my hardest, yet I still lost since I was just having fun and not trying to win. I was somewhat disappointed, but it's okay because I did my best to play ethically and won. We wish we had more time to enjoy ourselves and engage in carefree activities because Intrams was so enjoyable and "bitin" because it lasted only two days. Because you don't have to worry as much about your tasks and schoolwork during exams, it is a stress-free week. Your only concern should be how to get ready for your opponents. 

    Intrams enabled us to meet and converse with more people. Because we weren't close and didn't care about them prior to the preliminary, we learn a lot in our lower graders.while we were rehearsing and having a meeting, we got along well, cracking jokes and having fun while doing so. Every time we have an event with the lower levels, I am very happy we get to meet new individuals.

    The most difficult part of teaching and practicing them was getting certain pupils to pay attention and  start their own businesses. It's ok though; it's all part of what they're learning. Being unable to dance and lacking the confidence to do so made dancing a difficult element for me. But we're happy that we prevailed in the dance palabas contest. Because we were so laid back and unconcerned about winning or losing, we did not anticipate taking first place. We were shocked when we unexpectedly took first place because we genuinely had not anticipated winning.

    Because we learned so much and made so many new friends during intramurals in just one week, those were the best days. For us Asianistas, it's a moment we won't soon forget. I'm hoping the same people will be present when we celebrate Intramurals again.


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