Before speaking about the problems of LGBT community, it is necessary to answer the following question: what is LGBT community? LGBT is a community of people who refer themselves to as lesbians, gays, bisexuals, and transgenders. LGBT members face constant issues of being unaccepted by people with traditional sexual orientation. The LGBT community in the United States has always has massive difficulty fitting into our society. For many years they put up with constant mistreatment and other forms of abuse coming from those who  do not agree with their lifestyle. They have for long advocated for the acceptance of their existence and punishment for crimes committed against them. As a result, one of their main priorities is to achieve equality in the modern society.

The history of the LGBT community is complex, because society does not perceive bisexuals, gays, lesbians, and transgenders as a norm. Despite the fact that according to the Declaration of Independence, "all men are created equal," the LGBT community still has to struggle for real equality. There are various form of LGBBT discrimination. It varies from  unfriendly attitude to such serious problems as the refusal to employ such an individual. As a result, many LGBT representatives are forced to live life, which they cannot control. It is obvious that discrimination is considered a permanent problem for those who belong to the LGBT community. However, the LGBT acceptance process observed during the last few years proves that the LGBT community will achieve real equality in the nearest future.

The term "gay pride" is often used to show the identity of LGBT people and their strength. The parades of pride are conducted to express the meaning of the term and show the main example of its usage. It is worth nothing that the community of LGBT people has different political affiliations. Not every individual with untraditional sexual orientation considers him/herself a member of the LGBT community.

Members of the LGBT community can organize movements in support of civil rights for LGBT representatives in different locations around the globe.


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