3in1 Celebration🎉

This day is the very special day of the Math and Scientists all over the world.On this picture the JHS Students had a Math and Science exhibit.This Math and Science exhibit is all about what you learn from 1st Quarter to 2nd Quarter you will  discuss All the lessons of the 1st-2nd Quarter.So that is what the Grade 8 Integrity doing on this picture, discussing  about earthquakes,Typhoon. They also teach  the kids how to decrease the Typhoon and Earthquakes, which an example of avoid/lessen of using plastics, avoid throwing Trashes Everywhere.
This Second picture is a picture of awarding the representatives to the Eco-Fashion 2019,And the Champion is the Grade 9 representative.

Holy Rosary📿 

 This is the Holy Rosary,Is a special day for the month of October.All the Students will go to the lobby to get ready and start the Holy Rosary while the Holy Rosary is starting the Preschool are dressed with a beautiful white dress which describes an Angel.So the Holy Rosary was starting, the beautiful angels were bringing a white or light blue balloon which they put in the bottle to form like a rosary.The UN representatives are also part of the ballon thing that you put in the bottle to also form a Rosary.After the Holy Rosary each student was given a white flower to put it in the Altar.

 🇵🇭 United Nation🇰🇷

This is the special day for the Asianistas, because all of their classmate will saw their  representatives by section and grade.They ate wearing some country costume examples of Germany,Philippines and many more countries. Their representatives will pose in the lobby same as the Eco-Fashion 2019, and walk like a fashionista.Also the Look-A-Like of the Scientist will pose and walk through to stage.Everyone are also surprised about the participants wearing the specific clothing styles in different countries.


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